the other day, i was sitting with my friend, and having the regular evening cup of coffee in the office canteen. the evening cuppa has become important in our daily schedule, because that helps us unwind and release the mental pressure of the work. a sympathetic ear is always well appreciated.
that day is marked special in my memory, because of what followed next. the glass tumbler, slipped from my hand and spilled the coffee all over the table and the floor. ( see, how cunningly i deflect the fault to nature, as if that didnt happen because of me, but it simply was to happen. i am smart right :p ) few people across the room , turned their head to see who did it or what happened. just a normal response.
If i were alone, probably i would have been highly embarrased, would have paid for the coffee, and left immdeiately.
My sweet friend, he continued speaking or was it listening ( because i am a compelsive chatter). he just took a second off listening to me, and called to the tea master " anna innom oru coffee"
the tea master was also sweet, he simply nodded, gave a pleasant smile, and said, dont bother about cleaning. i will take care.
So, in two minutes, things were back to normal, i was still talking to him, and the incident was forgotten.
the tea master gave a new glass of coffee. as i moved to give him space to clean, he said - no problem sir, i will take care.
my friend didnt even comment, as if nothing happened.
after finishing the cuppa, as we went to pay for the coffee, the tea master refused to charge for the coffee that had been spilled. rightly, he should. he had made three coffee. he said - no, sir. just pay for two.
We said - anna, please take it.
finally we paid only for two, the tea master just smiled.
that was the most beautiful smile ever unleashed on mankind.
the kind of smile, that makes the world still beautiful to live.
My friend, just noted as we came out - did you see the child like joy in his face when he refused to take money.
I said yes. and we both were contented.
small things like this, often reinforce my theory, that romanticism is the way of life.
thank u my friend. thank u tea master.