ok. this post is abt my failure to implement one simple idea that could have changed the face of the world. and i am writing with the hope that someone, somewhere will pick this idea and use it. and i dont claim that this is my idea. and i am not sure, actually my memory is bad, and i dont remember who and how the idea originated. i remember my friend marky having talked to me abt it. and i remember another friend nirmala having discussed the same with me. anyways, so this post is a tribute to these two people for having come up with the idea.
we were then in our final year of our college, doing our msc in physics. so one day this idea was suggested. and we worked on it sincerely for two to four months and we donated 700 rupees to an orphanage.
the idea is simple. we collect one rupee per person per day in our class. thats all. one rupee per day for twenty students in twenty days comes out as a whopping four hundred rupees a month.
and it was not necessary that a person had to give money at all or everyday. he could chose to give on a weekly basis. or monthly basis.
we had our own problems. collecting money everyday was not easy. and often exams and studies and lab would interfere with our endeavour. if given a chance i would do the whole thing differently, like putting a piggy bank in the front of the class, but alas i cant go back in time.
my friend joby, who was in rrcat then now i think he is in iitd, had told me how they had arranged a campaign where they went and knocked at doors, asking people that when they buy notebooks, instead of 10, please buy one more and donate it to children form slum. instead of twenty books, buy one more. instead on 10 pencils buy one more. this way they were able to provide for notebooks to children from one slum.
the idea is simple. the idea is just one small thing a day. one rupee a day. one extra thing from the tens we spend. we could do lot more for the world.
so i ask everyone of u, who reads it to kindly see, if u can do something similar or something different for our brothers and sisters.....
we were then in our final year of our college, doing our msc in physics. so one day this idea was suggested. and we worked on it sincerely for two to four months and we donated 700 rupees to an orphanage.
the idea is simple. we collect one rupee per person per day in our class. thats all. one rupee per day for twenty students in twenty days comes out as a whopping four hundred rupees a month.
and it was not necessary that a person had to give money at all or everyday. he could chose to give on a weekly basis. or monthly basis.
we had our own problems. collecting money everyday was not easy. and often exams and studies and lab would interfere with our endeavour. if given a chance i would do the whole thing differently, like putting a piggy bank in the front of the class, but alas i cant go back in time.
my friend joby, who was in rrcat then now i think he is in iitd, had told me how they had arranged a campaign where they went and knocked at doors, asking people that when they buy notebooks, instead of 10, please buy one more and donate it to children form slum. instead of twenty books, buy one more. instead on 10 pencils buy one more. this way they were able to provide for notebooks to children from one slum.
the idea is simple. the idea is just one small thing a day. one rupee a day. one extra thing from the tens we spend. we could do lot more for the world.
so i ask everyone of u, who reads it to kindly see, if u can do something similar or something different for our brothers and sisters.....
Very nice concept..
a good idea..
i would certainly try ot implement it..
also try to move it forward...
hope u implment it in the future also
i did that for a year!!
I used to travel by rick and the fare used to be 9 rs and I used to save that Re1 !! I wonder why i stopped!! thanks for reminding me!
great keep posting !!
now thats a lot of calculation.
sahi hai bhedu
think diff
make a diff to other's life
great job!
A wonderful and a thought provoking idea..but lets not jus stop with thinkin instead put it into action
all great ideas are simple :)
and i really would love to implement something like that. Just as a random act of kindness :)
Hey good idea buddy .... even we do some thing like that only to collect some donation fee for our organization ... keep smiling have a nice day .. !! ~~ stay blesses !
~~~Golden Vulture~~~
nice blog and nice post love it 2 read waise ur feelings r like me...
ur Idea worth to implement...
friend..i did..but its different part...
this is wonderful..
i hope you could right more like this..
interesting indeed.
No matter whose idea it was, it indeed is simple. The thought of keeping aside something for the less fortunate souls is worth appreciation.
Cheers to you, for the caring heart that you have for such people.
Keep up the good work. :)
a good idea indeed !!
will try to implement such things in some or the other way i can
I know of a similar initiative in the USA. It is about eradicating extreme poverty from our planet by 2025!! You can read more on http://www.asap2025.org/.
And by the way, that does not lower your merit for having tried, congratulations!
Good idea! :)
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