its often we land up in situations so beautiful, that we feel like kissing the first person we meet. but then we dont...and that is sad.
ok, let me come to the point. madras eye ( conjunctivitis) is never pleasant to have. (for that matter no disease is pleasant to have FISH)
anyways, this is espescially unpleasant, because ur friends avoid u. they maintain a distance. and worse u have to wear black glasses, which kinda cries alound - hello, i have madras eye.
so, when my friend had it, i could feel his uneasiness. i just went and talked to him. he said, arrey baba, be careful na. i just shrugged and asked him, what would u do, if i had madras eye. he smiled and said, i would do what u r doing, but u would be doing, what i am doing.
saying that he recounted the story of how one of our common friend reacted. he not only spoke to him, walked beside him, but, he also insisted that he show the eyes, and look into it, to know how red it is.
it was very cute. imagine, looking straight into the madras eye...awesome.
thats when we argued, probably he is right. if virus can travel from eye to eye, it is really not necessary that they take the shortest path possible. so one guy who is having madras eye in america can spread it one in chennai!!! provided the virus survives that trip!!!
ofcourse why i recount this is, indeed, we have so many precautions, and so many rules, "to be on the safer side" of whatever and everything.
but do they really matter. we didnt make these laws, then why should they be valid at all.
i mean, drenching in rain, can cause cold, but isnt dancing in rain wonderful. who cares abt cold.
isnt hugging the sweetest person of ur life, wonderful, what if that person is affected by TB.
isnt a kiss most beautiful thing in the world, what if the person is affected by AIDS. its just u like something, and if that brings happiness to somebody, why not do it. what if we have rules, what if we get disease, what if causes little pain to us.....
i am searching, our common friend, so that i could give him a hug.....
and hugs to all my readers
ok, let me come to the point. madras eye ( conjunctivitis) is never pleasant to have. (for that matter no disease is pleasant to have FISH)
anyways, this is espescially unpleasant, because ur friends avoid u. they maintain a distance. and worse u have to wear black glasses, which kinda cries alound - hello, i have madras eye.
so, when my friend had it, i could feel his uneasiness. i just went and talked to him. he said, arrey baba, be careful na. i just shrugged and asked him, what would u do, if i had madras eye. he smiled and said, i would do what u r doing, but u would be doing, what i am doing.
saying that he recounted the story of how one of our common friend reacted. he not only spoke to him, walked beside him, but, he also insisted that he show the eyes, and look into it, to know how red it is.
it was very cute. imagine, looking straight into the madras eye...awesome.
thats when we argued, probably he is right. if virus can travel from eye to eye, it is really not necessary that they take the shortest path possible. so one guy who is having madras eye in america can spread it one in chennai!!! provided the virus survives that trip!!!
ofcourse why i recount this is, indeed, we have so many precautions, and so many rules, "to be on the safer side" of whatever and everything.
but do they really matter. we didnt make these laws, then why should they be valid at all.
i mean, drenching in rain, can cause cold, but isnt dancing in rain wonderful. who cares abt cold.
isnt hugging the sweetest person of ur life, wonderful, what if that person is affected by TB.
isnt a kiss most beautiful thing in the world, what if the person is affected by AIDS. its just u like something, and if that brings happiness to somebody, why not do it. what if we have rules, what if we get disease, what if causes little pain to us.....
i am searching, our common friend, so that i could give him a hug.....
and hugs to all my readers
yes I once said so what if we shudn't play with fire... isn't it cool to woo the girls by showing you ain't afraid of it.. unfortunately the candle somehow seemed to take exception to this.. "ye le" it said
4 burned fingers .. ahem..
and my friend.. y r u so averse to people commenting.. spam filter.. google account needed.. be a free blog in a free country ya! :D
1) ohh..i was talking abt wooing life....what if four fingers burn, if the girl u have always loved, smiles just that once...
2)ur words, my command....changed setting boss
after rules are framed to bring happiness.. making them flexible for convenience actually makes it suitable to be followed.. i loved the last part..
nice reading for me.
keep writing..
Well rules are made to be on the safer side...But whats the fun in being there...????
Its good to be good and better to be BAD!!!
one of the best posts i came across, thoroughly enjoyed reading it:)
as a kid in the school, when one of my friends got conjuctivitis , i looked straight into her eyes to see how red it is, because i was totally unaware it is something that can be infectious:)
man...i luvd this post...soo simple, yet vibrant
yea rules are always meant to be broken...and if we are attaining happiness in return by doing so, we should certainly do it even if they arent meant to be...
I loved the meaning behind your post. There is always a good and bad side to everything so I guess its about making the right choice for us at the time. Thanks for the thoughts.
isnt a kiss most beautiful thing in the world, what if the person is affected by AIDS.
AIDS dont spread via kissing hugging or shaking hands.
1/10,000,00 chances of spread through deep kissing involving saliva exchange.
I wonder why people are so less educated about AIDS.
about love, self love is the only true love possible. that who dont love him/herself cannot love anything any person else
dear unpretentious diva,
ofcourse i know the fact very well. the reason i used the sentence was, to ask people to shed their inhibition to do what they like to do in the world. i dont know if u have read 'eleven minutes' by paulo coehlo where the prostitute explains that though they sell their body, they dont kiss their customers. the kiss is reserved for the special one. and ever since i have belived that kiss is more special than sex. where the latter is gratifying for the body, somehow i feel that the former is more gratifying to the soul. ofcourse u may not agree. and hence, i beilive kissing an aids patient is tough - doubly because u have reserved the kiss for someone special and the patient is devoid of most physical contact( due to people's ignorance ofcourse) so when i say, kiss the aids patient, i feel it sounds lot more fulfilling and act of love rather than saying making love to that person.
hence my statement.
ofcourse self love is the truest love. unfortunately i dont know what is the meaning of self. and no body has ever been successfully been able to answer the question - who are u or what is self.
and it is more practical to love tangible things like others than to love intangible things like self....what ...say?
and yeah thanks for taking time to read the blog.....
thanks everybody
Thought provoking it was....
I totally agree wit u...
hehe!! saw u in link referral ... u seem to have quite a no. of readers!! can u just check out my site and if u can leave a comment!! also tell me how to increase our page rank!!
beautiful! you are really right!
i hav seen many persnl blogs bt lemme tell u urs 1 b'full blog.....it really feels gr8 2 read ur blog, and da way uv represented ur blog is awsum.
very true...but u r d only one who makes rule and u r d only one whos responsible for breaking them ....and u know what...anything apart from normal, cliche n stereotype s always considered insane....pple give too much thot to 2 things: 1.themselves 2. insanity in others..!! gud post.
very true indeed...lovely and a thoughtful post...
keep writing
Crap...Just do whatchu wanna do and lifes all easy!
Sometimes people freak out so much that the sufferers r just ostracized! Precautions must b maintained bt don't stop showing the usual love & care.
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